Data Request Form


Version date: 8th November 2018


The UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS) generates butterfly count data that is used to assess trends in the abundance of butterflies within the United Kingdom and for conservation policy and research. The surveys are undertaken by volunteers and other recorders, who contribute their data free of charge. The scheme is operated by the UKBMS Partnership consisting of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)), Butterfly Conservation (BC), British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). Standard data outputs are available to download through the CEH data information portal ( and NBN Atlas ( If this does not cover your requirement, please let us know what data you would like by filling out the data request form below.


To help justify the substantial investments made in the scheme by partners (comprising charitable and Government bodies), on downloading or requesting data, you are asked to supply information to help partners track use of the data. This helps us with conservation and research reporting and to demonstrate value of the scheme. The system we use in sharing data enables datasets to be assigned a Digital Object Identifier and captures details on the intended use of the data at point of download or data request form submission.

Your personal data will be processed according to the UKBMS privacy notice ( UKBMS partners reserve the right to contact you to discuss the details of your use of datasets provided. This is in order to inform you of caveats surrounding the data, and to make you aware of opportunities and benefits of research advice and collaboration.


Surveyors retain the ownership of the records they submit to the UKBMS. The UKBMS Partners (Butterfly Conservation, CEH, BTO and JNCC) retain copyright and database rights in datasets compiled from those records. Compiled data are shared under licence, and it is your responsibility to abide by the licence conditions. One of these conditions is that you must acknowledge the source of the information in your product or application by including or linking to the attribution statement that will be provided along with the data. This attribution statement will be in the following format:

Contains UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS) data © copyright and database right Butterfly Conservation, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, British Trust for Ornithology, and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, [insert year of dataset publication].

The UKBMS Partners are happy to contribute with co-authorship(s) and intellectual input into the drafting of any scientific publications, conference presentations or posters resulting from use of the UKBMS data.

The Licence

Most of the data from the UKBMS is licenced under an Open Government Licence (Appendix 2), which allows free and flexible use and reuse of the data with few conditions.

Further, there are some data, such as records of sensitive species, where additional considerations apply, and if they are released, this will be under a more restrictive licence. If such data are specified in your data request form, we will contact you to discuss, including appropriate licensing arrangements.

Click on the next button below to provide details of your request.